JPGR.CO.UK - A full discography of the Beatles' group and solo-recordings!
GET BACK SESSIONS - Incredible resource for all the recording sessions in January, 1969, including all the songs the Beatles rehearsed.
BEATLESINTERVIEWS.ORG - Huge database of complete Beatles interviews spanning their career. Includes transcriptions from 163 Beatles interviews and press conferences!
GLOBAL TEXAN CHRONICLES - The website focuses on the hard-working artists of today, and revels in the music heroes that inspired generations. The GTC podcast "Hear This" is a mix bag of old and new, and never playing anything that doesn't contribute to the greater good of music. They also make available Ken's show "Every Little Thing" for streaming all weekend long, Saturdays and Sundays.
STEREO EMBERS MAGAZINE - Founded by Alex Green and Paul Gleason--both university professors and published authors, Stereo Embers has been a leading daily publisher of music criticism since 2006. Featuring exclusive interviews with everyone from Peter Hook (Joy Division, New Order) to John Densmore of the Doors, Stereo Embers provides up to the minute news, album premieres, live reviews and photo essays on some of the biggest bands in the world. Paul Gleason interviews me on all things Beatles, and my radio shows HERE.
THE CLASSIC ROCKER - Dave Schwensen (author "The Beatles At Shea Stadium," and "The Beatles In Cleveland") random thoughts about songs, albums, and artists Dave is thinking about, plus book reviews, music lists and more!